
Contributed Talk - Splinter Stellar

Friday, 25 September 2020, 16:23   (virtual room M)

How being single or stripped in a binary affects the death of massive stars

Laplace, E.; de Mink, S.; Justham, S.; Renzo, M.; Götberg, Y., Vartanyan, D.; Burrows, A;Farmer, R.
University of Amsterdam; CfA Harvard University; CCA Flatiron Institute; Carnegie Observatories

Most massive stars live in binary systems and will interact during their lifetime. As a result, they may lose or gain mass and end their lives with structures and compositions that differ significantly from stars that do not interact with a companion. However, most calculations of the final structure of massive stars at the moment of core-collapse rely on single-star models. We compute high-resolution models of single stars and stars of the same initial mass (11-21 Msun) that have been stripped through stable mass transfer in a binary system after leaving the main sequence. For our calculations of the last evolutionary stages, we use a large fully-coupled nuclear reaction network. We study systematic differences in the evolution and pre-explosion structure of single and stripped star models and where they originate. We further investigate the explodability of these stars from 2D supernova simulations and discuss the implications for supernovae, supernova remnants, and neutron stars.