
Contributed Talk - Splinter Solar

Wednesday, 23 September 2020, 17:22   (virtual room L)

Vertical magnetic fields on the boundary of evolving pores

García-Rivas, M. (1,2), Jurčák, J. (1) and Bello González, N. (3)
(1) Astronomical Institute CAS (2) Astronomical Institute Charles Univ. (3) KIS

Analyses of the vector magnetic field on solar magnetic structures led to the Jurčák criterion, an empirical law that connects a critical value of the vertical component of the magnetic field to the umbral magnetoconvective mode in stable sunspots. We study the evolution of the vertical component of the magnetic field (Bver) on the boundary of evolving pores and the existence of an equivalent critical vertical magnetic value to provide steadiness. Indeed, we find that areas with weak Bver are unstable and granulation takes over them. However, areas with strong Bver show longer lifetimes.