
Contributed Talk - Splinter Exoplanets

Wednesday, 23 September 2020, 16:20   (virtual room D)

Kepler-289: Combining the forces

J. Korth(1), M. Pätzold(1), L. Fossati(2), H. Parviainen(3,4), S. Ataiee(5,6), W. Kley(5)
1) RIU-PF 2) IWF 3) IAC 4) ULL 5) University Tübingen (6) FUM

After the detection of thousands of exoplanets by various space-based and ground-based facilities, the focus is now shifting from discovery to characterization and a deeper understanding of the formation and dynamics of these systems. Different theories have been developed to explain the observed diversity in orbital configurations and planetary densities. These theories rely on the currently characterized systems, in particular on the accuracy with which the masses and orbital parameters are determined. In order to find out the history and future evolution of exoplanet systems, a complete knowledge of all orbital parameters with a high accuracy is crucial. The Kepler-289 system is a multi-planet system with two inner mini-Neptune planets on inner orbits, and an outer gas-giant planet that are close to a period commensurability, but not trapped in a resonance. Therefore, it is an excellent target to test formation theories for multi-planet systems consisting of planets near a resonant chain. The system was previously studied by transit timing variations and radial velocities with agreeing results for the planet masses of the two inner planets but disagreeing for the outer planet. Here, we present a re-analysis of the system using all available information from Kepler, TESS and SOPHIE spectrograh, together solving previous discrepancies. By this, different areas of the exoplanet community from transit detection, over atmospheric modeling to formation are combined.