
Contributed Talk - Splinter Solar

Wednesday, 23 September 2020, 14:13   (virtual room L)

Dynamics and magnetic fields in the chromospheric He I 10830 Å during a solar filament eruption

C. Kuckein 1, S. J. González Manrique 2,3,4, L. Kleint 5 & A. Asensio Ramos 2,3
1[AIP], 2[AISAS], 3[IAC], 4[ULL], 5[KIS]

We investigate the dynamics and magnetic properties of the plasma, such as line-of-sight velocity (LOS), optical depth, vertical and horizontal magnetic fields, belonging to an erupted solar filament. The filament eruption was observed with the GREGOR Infrared Spectrograph (GRIS) at the 1.5-meter GREGOR telescope on 2016 July 3. Three consecutive full-Stokes slit-spectropolarimetric scans in the He I 10830 Å spectral range were acquired. The Stokes I profiles were classified using the machine learning k-means algorithm and then inverted with different initial conditions using the inversion code HAZEL. The erupting-filament material presents the following physical conditions: (i) ubiquitous upward motions with peak LOS velocities of 73 km/s; (ii) predominant large horizontal components of the magnetic field, on average, in the range of 173-254 G, whereas the vertical components of the fields are much lower, on average between 39-58 G; (iii) optical depths in the range of 0.7-1.1. The average azimuth orientation of the field lines between two consecutive raster scans (<2.5 minutes) remained constant. The analyzed filament eruption belonged to the fast rising phase, with total velocities of about 124 km/s.