
Contributed Talk - Splinter Exoplanets

Thursday, 24 September 2020, 11:45   (virtual room D)

Radiative modelling of young accreting planets

J. D. Melon Fuksman, H. Klahr
Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, Heidelberg

The prediction of the observational appearance of accreting planets and the reconstruction of their characteristics from observations of disks around young stars require a combined description of radiative processes and their dynamical implications. Radiative cooling affects as well the gas accretion rates, and consequently has a strong impact on the ability to efficiently form gas giants. Radiative transport in the vicinity of gap-opening planets may involve transitions between optically thick and optically thin regions of space, which require a proper treatment that allows for a description of strongly anisotropic radiative intensities. In this talk, I will outline our current efforts towards a consistent description of radiative processes surrounding newborn planets. We combine two-moment radiation hydrodynamics with Monte Carlo simulations, in a collaboration on deriving characteristics of exoplanets from observations of various current and future instruments including ALMA, PIONIER, and MATISSE.