
Poster - Splinter Computation   (virtual room B)

Type II TDs formed by two planets

Thomas Rometsch, Peter Rodenkirch, Wilhelm Kley, Cornelis Dullemond
Univeristy of Tübingen (1,3), IAT Heidelberg (2,4)

Type II transition disks feature large inner holes or gaps that can stretch out to a few tens of au while substantial mass accretion onto the central star is maintained at the same time. This requires mass to flow through the gap. A natural choice for a possible explanation is a system of embedded planets which carves the gap and might provide a mechanism for mass to traverse it. In this talk, I will present our two-dimensional hydrodynamics simulations of a flat disk with a system of two embedded planets which use a collection of different physics and numerical choices. I will explain how outward migration can explain the simultaneous existence of large inner holes combined with substantial stellar accretion. Additionally, I will show synthetic images of the disks to illustrate how changes in the dynamical state of the planet-disk systems can lead to a variety of substructures in a single disk.