
Invited Talk - Splinter SMBHs

Wednesday, 23 September 2020, 16:40   (virtual room K)

eRosita's revolutionary view on AGN

Mara Salvato on behalf of the eROSITA-DE collaboration

Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) are not longer considered part of a small and exotic source population but are now widely accepted to play a significant role in the evolution of galaxies through cosmic time. However, even twenty years after the realization of the close link between the galaxies and the active SMBH that they host, the various mechanisms and the interconnection are not fully clear. Two complementary approaches are followed to deepen our understanding; detailed studies of individual nearby AGN provide insight into the physics that trigger AGN activity and link it to the spatially resolved host properties, while the large samples of AGN collected from surveys access the population properties and their impact on the evolution of their hosts with redshift and environment. In my talk I will discuss how eROSITA is beginning to contribute to both approaches, with an eye on what will be possible in the (near) future.